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Understanding Your VaginaMay 15, 2020

From sexual pleasure to childbirth to menstrual flow, the vagina and vulva can play many roles. Most variations in shape, size, and color are healthy. Instead, the word vagina actually refers to a specific part of the female reproductive system. It is the muscular tube that runs from the vulva — which refers to the external female genitalia, including the labia and clitoris — to the cervix.

When it comes to anything related to bodies and sexual and reproductive health, most people wonder, “Am I normal?” The answer regarding the vagina is that there is a wide variety of healthy shapes, sizes, and colors. This article describes different types of vagina. We also discuss when to see a doctor based on the appearance of the vagina and factors such as discharge. 

Your vagina may benefit from a workout : We don’t mean a “workout” in the sexual sense — although research has shown that regular sexual activity can help to keep your vagina healthy. No, we’re talking about pelvic floor exercises, which are otherwise known as kegel exercises. They are normally done to help manage urinary incontinence, but research has shown that they can also help to improve sexual satisfaction.


Your vagina is like wine :That’s right. The normal pH of the vagina is less than 4.5, which is similar to the pH of wine. Lactobacilli are the “good” bacteria that dominate the vagina; they help to keep pH levels normal in our lady parts and prevent the growth of infection-causing bacteria. When levels of lactobacilli fall, vaginal pH levels can rise above 4.5, which is ideal breeding ground for vaginal infections, such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.

It’s not all about the G-spot :We’ve all heard of the G-spot — an erogenous zone of the vagina that, when stimulated, may lead to sexual arousal and orgasm. But have you heard of the A-spot? Also known as the anterior fornix erogenous zone, the A-spot is believed to be located deep inside the vagina, between the cervix and the bladder. The A-spot is a relatively new discovery by Malaysian researcher Dr. Chua Chee Ann. In a study, he reported that 10–15 minutes of A-spot stimulation led to instant orgasms and vaginal lubrication in 15 percent of women who reported pain and dryness during sexual intercourse.

The vagina and the external structures of the vulva naturally range in shape, color, and size.

Types of vagina

Most studies reveal that vaginas share a general shape, but that there are many variations in length and width.


When people refer to the vagina, they usually mean the visible, external part of the genitals. The proper term for this area is the vulva. The vulva includes many structures, such as the labia majora and labia minora, or inner and outer lips. These are folds of skin that surround the vaginal opening and the urethral opening. Depending on the size and shape of the external structures, the appearance of the vulva can vary widely. It is rare for any variation in this shape or size to be a cause for concern. Taking this variety into account, some common characteristics of the vulva include:


Outer lips :The outer lips of the vulva, or the labia majora, are longer in some people. The lips may hang low, and the skin may seem thin, or they may be thick and puffy. The outer lips are usually relatively smooth and do not fold as much as the inner lips. Some people have outer lips that hide the inner lips and clitoris almost entirely. In others, the outer lips may curve and meet at the ends, exposing some of the inner lips above. If the outer lips are short, they may not meet and may expose the inner lips more prominently.

Inner lips: It is typical for the inner lips, or labia minora, to be visible. They may dangle below the outer lips or otherwise be prominent. One inner lip may be longer than the other. Asymmetry in the labia is not necessarily a cause for concern. Some people may have short inner lips that the outer lips hide. In others, the outer and inner lips are of similar length. If the outer and inner lips are small and close to the inner thighs, the clitoral hood, which hides the clitoris, may be visible.

These are some variations in shape, but healthy vulvas have many other shapes and sizes.

Inside the vagina

The inside of the vagina is like a long tube with folded areas that can expand and contract. Some doctors compare this characteristic to an accordion. Imaging studies reveal that most vaginas are narrower toward the vaginal opening and wider toward the cervix. This usually forms a “V” shape, although the width at the widest point can vary. Their vagina can seem wider or looser following childbirth. This is because the vaginal tissues expand to make room for a baby to pass down the birth canal. The vagina may resume its pre-pregnancy size, or it may remain slightly widened.


The vagina can change in size, or length, to accommodate a tampon, finger, or penis, for example. It does this by stretching and elongating. This also moves the cervix and uterus upward. The length of the vagina varies, but the average length, when a person is not aroused, is just under 4 inches . However, the length can range significantly from person to person, from about 2.5 inches to 5 inches or more. In a study published researchers used MRI to measure the length, width, and angles of participants’ vaginas. They found that, in some cases, they could predict variations in length based on a participant’s height and age, but not necessarily their weight. For example, a taller person may have a longer vagina.


Skin colors naturally vary, including the skin of the vulva. Doctors report the following colors of the vulva:

  • burgundy
  • pink
  • red
  • wine

The color can also vary, depending on blood flow. During arousal, the flow of blood increases, and the vulva may appear purplish. Some people note color changes when they have certain medical conditions. A yeast infection, for example, may cause the vulva to appear purple or red.


Pubic hair may help protect the genitals from bacterial illnesses. Pubic hair may also be a natural signal of reproductive maturity.The amount, color, and texture of pubic hair vary from person to person. Pubic hair that develops early — before age 8 — and excessive amounts of pubic hair may point to an increased risk of polycystic ovary syndrome. Pubic hair tends to thin as people age, due to hormone-related changes.


Vaginal discharge and secretions help keep the vaginal tissues healthy. Some people use the color and consistency of their discharge to track their fertility. For example, very stretchy discharge can occur during ovulation. Changes in vaginal discharge can indicate an infection, which requires medical attention. See a doctor if the discharge is green, gray, or foul-smelling.


The vagina provides an exit for menstrual blood. The amount of blood that a person loses can vary from period to period. Some people tend to only have mild spotting, while others have heavy bleeding. A person can control their flow somewhat by taking hormonal medication, such as birth control pills. Anyone whose menstrual flow routinely soaks pads or makes them feel dizzy or short of breath should see a doctor. They may have a heavy menstrual flow, which can disrupt daily activities.


If you’re worried that scrapping the soap might leave you smelling less than fresh down there, you might be interested to find that any unwelcome odors could be down to your diet. Strong-smelling foods, such as onions and garlic, can leave you smelling less than fresh down there. When it comes to the scent of your lady parts, there is some anecdotal evidence that we are what we eat. For example, there is a widespread belief that consuming pineapple can give your vagina a sweeter scent. Other foods believed to alter vaginal odor include garlic, onion, and fish, as well as cheese and chilies. However, if you notice that your lady parts smell particularly pungent or their scent has changed dramatically, it could be a sign of infection, so it’s worth getting it checked out.

The vagina naturally contains bacteria and yeasts that can cause odors. The smell can vary from sweet to metallic. A person’s menstrual cycle, their overall health, and the natural flora of the vagina can all affect vaginal odor. Usually, variations in vaginal smell are no cause for concern. However, a foul smell can indicate infection. Anyone who has concerns about their vagina or vulva should see a doctor. Some common concerns include:

  • unusual discharge
  • unusual smell
  • a change in the color of the labial tissues
  • heavy bleeding
  • pain during sex

Some people have congenital anomalies that may require surgical treatment.

For example, some people have a wall — called a vertical vaginal septum — in the vagina. The wall essentially creates two vaginas.A person may not notice this until they start menstruating or become sexually active. Half of the population has a vagina, but there’s a lot we don’t know about it. If simply hearing the word “vagina” makes you cringe with embarrassment, you’re not alone.

Don’t get carried away with cleaning : And that is exactly why we should avoid using scented soaps and other perfumed products to clean our vaginas. Using such products interferes with the natural balance of vaginal bacteria, which may give rise to the aforementioned infections. In actual fact, we don’t really need to be over-concerned with our vaginal cleanliness at all; it takes care of itself. There are glands in the vagina that secrete fluid, or “discharge,” and this helps to keep it clean. Our vaginas are sensitive areas. I would recommend washing once a day with water.

There are many physical sacrifices a body will go through to grow and birth a child. And sometimes, because of pregnancy, childbirth-related trauma, or other existing conditions, the effects of childbirth will remain with the birth person well beyond the postpartum phase. However, for most uncomplicated vaginal and cesarean deliveries, the idea that you’ll forever pee yourself when laughing or coughing is a myth — and a harmful one at that. You won’t be peeing constantly, or don’t have to be, with dedicated treatment to your pelvic floor. The majority of mothers go through a great level of anxiety during the Postpartum period. They are concerned both physically & mentally. The postpartum packages designed by My Womb Maternity Care, try to address the concerns of the mother during the postpartum period. Our Post Delivery Care packages help the mother to improve both physically & mentally during the postpartum period.  My Womb Maternity Care’s Post-delivery care is available all across the urban areas of Kerala, including Cochin, Ernakulam, Aluva, Thripunithura, Kaloor, Kakanad, Angamaly Nedumbassery, Perumbavoor, etc

Hajar Abdullah